Just a note:

This blog isn't meant to teach you anything, but I hope you'll have some fun reading it; I think I'll have fun writing it. I'll be posting bits of writing, like short stories and articles. Maybe some help for aspiring writers, a few tips and such. Also there will be journal entries and clips of conversation from the various characters in my books. So if you like the characters in my book, Cherished Preserver, stop by to get the inside scoop on their lives. Above all, enjoy!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sarah's Journal: Nov. 20, 1910

         My time for departure is quickly approaching, and I’m quite glad for it.  Perhaps my troubles will not follow me to Egypt.  I’d really like to know who all these tattooed thugs are working for and why they follow me everywhere.  I suppose it will wait until I return home in the spring.  Aunt will be safe I know, because she will be traveling to Arizona to stay at Erik’s ranch for a while.  It will be good for her, and if she is with Erik I will not worry about her.  So far these villains have not hurt anyone else around me, but I don’t put any trust in that never happening.
         They seem to be coming after me more often now.  Just yesterday I spotted two in the park while I was sledding with some of the town’s children.  Professor Ross was there too.  He had surprised me by picking me up in a bright red sleigh.  We rode to the park and gave the children rides, then the children kindly let us take turns on their sleds.  We had a great time.  But I can’t believe those fellows are after me in broad daylight now.  Apparently they will not do anything with my professor there.  I sincerely hope this does not put him in danger.

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