Just a note:

This blog isn't meant to teach you anything, but I hope you'll have some fun reading it; I think I'll have fun writing it. I'll be posting bits of writing, like short stories and articles. Maybe some help for aspiring writers, a few tips and such. Also there will be journal entries and clips of conversation from the various characters in my books. So if you like the characters in my book, Cherished Preserver, stop by to get the inside scoop on their lives. Above all, enjoy!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Switching Gears Saves Loads of Aggravation

Can't seem to keep up the story idea you've been working so diligently on for the past several weeks?

Has your well planned goal for writing three chapters a week gone awry for lack of ideas?

Don't fret, It happens to all of us at some point.  But, In reality, does your work come out really exceptional when it is forced, or when it flows quickly and easily from a mind ready to work on that particular story.

Ask any writer and they will tell you that they have several story ideas swimming about in their head at any given time, and very often write scenes for any story that happens to be vying for attention in their creativity at the moment whether they have a goal to meet on another project or not.

Don't get me wrong.  I think setting goals is a perfectly good idea for any writer.  It keeps us working and on track.  But if you find that one project has just petered out for the moment, (whether you have run into a snag, or just need to research more) start working on another.  Preferably one that happens to be "speaking to you" at the time.

Don't think I'm crazy.  You know what I'm talking about.  That story.  Those characters.  The ones who won't be quiet and let you sleep at night until you've written pages of fantastic dialogue that just won't stop.  With flow like that, your writing can't help but be great.

So don't be afraid to set aside what you think you should work on for a project that your heart says you need to work on.

1 comment:

  1. Completely true. I just wrote some scenes tonight for "that book" and "those characters" right now ;) Every writer needs to take this advice. It will make for a much better story!
